White to Yellow
Gills Free
Amanita | |
Lepiota & Allies | |
Limacella |
White to Yellow
Small Stature
Mycena & Allies | |
Xeromphalina / Omphalina | |
Marasmius / Collybia & Allies |
White to Yellow
Gills Attached / Mostly on Wood
Armillaria | |
Lentinellus / Pleurotus / Panellus | |
Neolentinus / Lentinus / Panus / Tricholomopsis |
White to Yellow
Gills Mostly Adnate or Notched / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Lyophyllum / Melanoleuca | |
Cystoderma / Laccaria | |
Tricholoma |
White to Yellow
Gills Mostly Adnate or Decurrent / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Russula / Lactarius | |
Hygrophorus / Hygrocybe | |
Clitocybe / Catathelasma / Leucopaxillus |
Pink to Salmon
Gills Free
Pluteus / Volvariella |
Pink to Salmon
Small Stature
Nolanea / Leptiona |
Pink to Salmon
Gills Attached / Mostly on Wood
Claudopus / Crepidotus |
Pink to Salmon
Gills Mostly Adnate or Notched / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Entoloma |
Pink to Salmon
Gills Mostly Adnate or Decurrent / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Clitopilus |
Brown to Rusty
Gills Free
Phaeocollybia |
Brown to Rusty
Small Stature
Galerina | |
Conocybe / Bolbitius |
Brown to Rusty
Gills Attached / Mostly on Wood
Tapinella | |
Gymnopilus / Pholiota |
Brown to Rusty
Gills Mostly Adnate or Notched / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Hebeloma / Inocybe | |
Cortinarius |
Brown to Rusty
Gills Mostly Adnate or Decurrent / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Agrocybe | |
Paxillus / Phylloporus |
Chocolate, Purple-Brown or Black
Gills Free
Agaricus | |
Coprinus & Allies |
Chocolate, Purple-Brown or Black
Small Stature
Psilocybe | |
Panaeolus |
Chocolate, Purple-Brown or Black
Gills Attached / Mostly on Wood
Hypholoma | |
Psathyrella |
Chocolate, Purple-Brown or Black
Gills Mostly Adnate or Notched / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Stropharia |
Chocolate, Purple-Brown or Black
Gills Mostly Adnate or Decurrent / Mostly on Soils or Moss
Gomphidius / Chroogomphus |